Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Soooooo, I started a blog, now what??

I wanted to start a blog this year, so 3 weeks away from 2010 I did it!! Still on time, before the new year starts. I cannot believe how fast this past year has gone by. Lots of things happened, good and bad, happy and sad. But nevertheless, this year has flown by way too fast. I hope to blog on a regular basis, hope to have text in Dutch as well to see for my family and friends in Holland. Post lots of pictures since I am after all a self proclaimed Picture Nut. And to proof it, I'll post one of my favorite pictures of this year, a sunrise at the lake house of David's cousin Ron. What a beautiful place that is. This picture was taken back in July of this year. Enjoy!

Hope to blog again really soon. Let's see how good of a blogger I'll be...........



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